Hope Street is The Greenhouse for People on 26th and Capitol. We provide housing and community to empower broken men, women, and children to cultivate a relationship with Jesus, themselves, and others to restore hope that flourishing is possible for us all.
We are the greenhouse for people
Hope Street is The Greenhouse for People on 26th and Capitol.
Hope Street’s framework for living life takes place inside a Greenhouse for People on 26th and Capitol. The corner of 26th and Capitol finds itself inside the notorious 53206 zip code on Milwaukee’s northside. Daily we are aware of the toxicity lurking just outside our doors that our members are doing everything in their power to avoid. Greenhouses provide healthy environments for plants to grow.
At Hope Street our plants are people and similarly benefit from the right environment to grow and flourish. That environment is one in which Hope can be cultivated, community is grown, and protection from the outside toxic environment is needed and therefore enforced. Each of us makes the daily choice to learn and develop new habits which help all to flourish.